Thursday, December 25, 2008
Happy Birthday Jesus!
Our children's home in Uganda is celebrating their first Christmas. They have grown to seven in number now. They received some Christmas gifts that we were able to come up with. It is really some basic items like underclothes that they desperately needed and just a few personal items, and they were able to get a dress as well. They went to church this morning to celebrate Christmas together. We also have a boy that is waiting desperately to join us when we have a boys home available. He is able to spend some time with the girls for fellowship during the day right now. We have been giving some assistance to him in the meantime because he is in such a desperate situation. When we spoke with our Program Director this morning, he told us; "The children seem to be gaining some weight and are looking good." He also told us how the children are most grateful for everything the ministry has been able to do for them thus far. Right now they are in temporary quarters that are serving the purpose for housing and they have food, and we Praise the Lord for that.
The Lord Will Provide! We believe this more and more everyday. How we have been able to have enough money to send to help these children in Uganda month after month is beyond me! We did just have an occurrence of a dangerous situation, which reminds of us of the reality of the situation the country of Uganda is in. Our Program Director was robbed at gun point along with fellow passengers in a taxi. They were stripped of their clothing and their possessions. He had just picked up funding for several of our projects. This included funding for the girls home, the crusade for 42 youth members of YCMC, and Pastors Gerald & Betty's children's home. This amounted to $400.00 US dollars. So when we say the Lord will Provide, we know what He has to do; in this case it needs to be provided twice!
We need to pray for the bandits and love them as we are told to do in Matthew 5:43-48. 43"You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor[a] and hate your enemy.' 44But I tell you: Love your enemies[b] and pray for those who persecute you, 45that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. 46If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? 47And if you greet only your brothers, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? 48Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.
It is not always easy to have faith, but it is in times like this that we are put to the test. Do we really believe or is it just some nice words? We believe He Will Provide!
May God place His blessings on us all on this special day, and let us remember to give Him thanks and praise!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
My Life Story part 2
I thank you for reading my life story part 1. Here come a new part. Firstly, i would like to thank Mr. Jim and his wife Robby for what they have done for my life, they have really done a wonderful job. Secondly i would like to thank the family which donated a Door to Door bike which have helped us in our mission. Really i thank every one. My second part is compared of many things.- How we started- What we use- Challenges we have passed through- The kind of people we have metand many more. Last time i stoped when i had told you about the burning desire i had.By that time school time was approching and i used to take my studies from St. John's Kabuwooke S.S.S. This school was is a catholic church based school. What do you think here?A priest Head master! what can i say the Adminstartion with only Priests, a nun in the burser's offices, a brother who is the director of studies!. Do you see that things couldn't be easy for some one who is saying " am a born again". In fact a first i feared to tell my friends tathat i had accepted Jesus as my savior. I feared the adminstration very muchhhhhhhhhhhh.I said Lord according to the Bible, challenges are blessings from God. Now this was a blessing. I gained comfidence form no where. What i remember one night i had some thing telling me that you don't have time, go and see the adminstration. That morning i had to go. As usual, the Head master's office was ful time quite. At first i feared. I knocked."come in"i had that voice. I had never seen the Head master smileing. Praise the Lord. The HM said my son what do you what? with a smile. It was a miracle. Sir you know democracy i one of the aims of our school, and in fact here show balance in many things. Sir i accepted Jesus as my savior.So what he asked? Sir here we have many Born Agains and i was proposing that let us also have a chance. What chance? he asked. am saying we want to praise as we born agains. The HM said ok i will see what we can do.It was a monday remember. On thursday he called me and told me the good news."KASOZI NO PROBLEM ARRANGE YOUR SERVICES ON SUNDAY AFTER THE CATHOLIC SERVICE" it was a miracle!. I started looking for Born agains in our school. It was not an easy work because some one could not tell you thet he/she was a Bornagain. They were also fearing the adminstration. The Lord made my work for searching Born Agains easier. In only one week i managed to get 12 members.PRAISE THE LORD. He moved like that looking for more and more.The term had to end and i had to come back home. I had to tell the story to Jim and my friends.B.J and J.N they also agreed to do the same in their schools. They had started a door to door mission and they had got 17 youth. It was not a bad starting. We usually moved long distances like 7km on foot. We had to tell Jim about this. Jim and his wife came to meet us and we took a short video coverage. We were asking if any one helped us to atleast one Bike so that we would use it in our door to door mission. Jin and his wife came to see us in the next week. We talked about many things. They told us about a certain family."There is a family which donated a bike" wow it was very an belivable. on the nettime.But i would like to take this oppotunity to thank the family which donated a bike.May the Lord bless all of you. Part 3 is coming
Posted by kasozi moses at 1:12 AM
Monday, December 8, 2008
In the midst of all this we have already begun our new work in Uganda. We have started a children's home with six girls. There are many children that want to come, in fact we hear of more and more everyday, but we can only take in what we can handle. We are in the need of more sponsors to help finance this project. You may have heard that Jireh Ministries in Uganda is no longer eligible to receive our support. This is sad to say but was a necessary step for us to take. It is good that we found the problems and have taken action to stop it. We know that this is why the Lord sent us to Uganda for six months. We know that the funds we provided from our supporters fed many children and paid teacher's and staff.
Most of our sponsors have been notified with the opportunity to continue on to help these children at a new facility. Many have agreed to continue to support the children.
We have many children that are wanting to leave Jireh Children's Center in Uganda because of the many problems they face there. We pray that the Lord continues to provide for our Ministry so that we can take care of all that He wants us to do. Our first home is a small facility for girls only. We have many boys that also need a place to live and are waiting for a home. These children are comprised mostly of orphans and /or in a desperate situation. Since we uncovered the problems with the children's center in Uganda, rumors have already begun in Uganda. This type of thing is something that we knew would be forthcoming because this is a common way that some people behave over there. It was never our intention to receive any children from JICC but it seems the Lord has other plans for us. As you may read throughout our blog, we have a few areas of ministries that we support. It seems taking care of children (orphans) is top on the list with God! So here we are Lord!
We don't want to disclose all of the things that they were doing over there. For one thing it is very hard for most people to believe, especially the ones that have met the leaders of JICC. How could this possibly be, with people that you love and trust and pray with? Yes it was very hard for us as well.
The situation is best summarized in Romans 16: 17 I urge you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and put obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teaching you have learned. Keep away from them. 18 For such people are not serving the Lord Christ, but their own appetites. By smooth talk and flattery they deceive the minds of naive people. 19 Everyone has heard about your obedience, so I am full of joy over you; but I want you to wise about what is good, and innocent about what is evil. 20 the God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet.
We are planning family group homes where the children will live as a family, where they can pray, work and play together. They will learn responsibilities and they will receive training in life skills. The children will be enrolled in school for a good education. Our sponsors will have an opportunity to write to several children within a family and will be known as Auntie and Uncle to the children. The sponsors will have access to a web site to keep up with the children's schooling, medical, and spiritual growth.
We have a missionary coming with us to stay for a year beginning in February. The Lord has big plans for us and these children! Praise God! Please pray for us.
If you are interested in donating to this program, or to Jim and Robyn's support, then please go to the "donate now" button on this page.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
The Workers are Few
This Sunday Morning I woke up extra early before anyone else and this house of nine people was extremely quiet. I have had times like this before but it is usually about 3:00AM when the Lord has a talk with me. I have learned not to resist, so I obediently got up and opened my bible.
It opened to Matthew 10:35 The Workers are Few
Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. 36 When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. 37 Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. 38 Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field."
Now we come to the beginning of chapter ten and it is "Jesus Sends Out the Twelve"
In the process of reading 9:37 my study Bible referred me to Luke Chapter 10 Jesus Sends -Out the Seventy-two. It starts out: After the Lord appointed seventy-two others and sent them two by two ahead of him to every town and place where he was to go. He told them "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the Harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field...
And then I am referred to John 4:36 Even now the reaper draws his wages, even now he harvests the crop for eternal life, so that the sower and the reaper may be glad together. Thus the saying 'One sows and another reaps' is true. 38 I sent you to reap what you have not worked for. Others have done the hard work, and you have reaped the benefits of their labor."
So now I say OK Lord, the sower and the reaper... You want me to do more evangelism in our Ministry? Uh, do we need to change or add something? I know, You want it to be the priority in our Ministry besides feeding kids earthly food, right?
Then I discovered the significance of all of this for today! A validation from God! Awesome! This morning is when I found the blog entry that occurred very early in the morning from Moses in Africa, our young evangelist, entitled My Life Story which tells (as Paul Harvey used to say) "The rest of the story" explaining the significance of our relationship with the Lord and how he was the seed sowed (on fertile soil). Praise God!!
Needless to say, I think we got the message, we will continue sowing and reaping!
My Life Story
Oh since the story on how we met (Moses, Joseph and Jim) is clearly described let me tell my life story. I call this a life story because many things have changed in our area, my family and my life so am not wrong to call this a life story.One day I was chatting with my friends and I told them about a dream I had.This was how I told them: - “Hey guys some time I get dreams which really looks funny,One day I dreamed when am in a salvation World, when every one have accepted Jesus has his savior, where there are no enemies, no wars peace only”. They laughed! They had and I don’t blame them because all of us we were not true believers by then.I was a catholic by then.Few years later Lord arranged a meeting at the Africa point which am proud of. A meeting which have brought change. I call this a Lord arrangement because I used to meet new people Born-Again, neither whites nor blacks from different countries and we usually chatted and we usually finished with only chatting happiness. The meeting with Jim was a different.Do you see how things go on!Jim invited us to the church. I had to go because I had a dream of the world of salvation. I had to go and see what takes place there. I enjoyed my first time in the church and I had to accept Jesus has my savior.My dreams where incomplete and funny on my side.The day after the church (Monday) I dreamed of becoming a missionary. This came to me after knowing the story of Jim and how he has been working.Really after Jim telling me about his ministry, he inspired me and I said I will become a missionary too. This was very funny to tell people because me the poor Moses I had nothing to start with in my missionary work. In my primary level I usually studied about missionariesAnd there work in Uganda. They built school and hospitals. They did this using money.By that time I had started reading the Bible. I came across a verse which gave confidence and it increased my faith. It was WHY WAS THIS OINTMENT NOT SOLD FOR THREE HUNDRED DENARII AND GIVEN TO THE POOR PEOPLE?I said poverty is not a sin, I can do some thing am going to start with what I have.I experienced a burning desire of going out and start with my age mates in our village.I sat down with my friends (JB & JOSEPH) and we decided to start up a mission with is going to fulfill my dream of the world of salvation.We introduced a new method of starting our missionary work. We introduced aDoor to Door method.
Oh my net time is over I will continue with my life story part 2 very soon.
Kasozi Moses
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Joseph, Moses, and Joseph
Now the group has a name: Youth Country Missionaries Club. The leaders tell me they have 40 members signed up to go on a Crusade! This is exciting. This is really amazing!! You see, these kids, yes kids, have signed up to go on a crusade so they can "show people that they are the seeds which fall on the fertile soil." They will move with their posters to show themselves as a group. I received a list with each name and how much each has saved for this event. This is from 2500 to 5000 Shillings each. This is huge, it is hard for these kids to come up with just 500 schillings (which is about 25 US cents) They need about 400,000 ugx more for food and return transportation. We all believe that the Lord Will provide.
Have you been following the story of Joseph and Moses here in our blog? This is totally amazing. This is truly the fruits of the Spirit. These young boys got saved and now they lead a group of evangelists. These guys have small groups at their schools where they do what born again Christians do, pray and read their bibles. And they have meetings with the entire group as well for events such as this crusade they are planning to attend.
This is a youth group in action without an adult leader! Just three young guys who want others to know about Jesus. A Prayer Warrior (Joseph), an Evangelist (BJ) and a Preacher (Moses).
So you say wow, their parents are doing a good job raising these kids and they must be pastor kids or something of that sort. But what I can tell you is that they are by true definition, orphans. They live with siblings and have a good loving family. In fact some of the families have even become more prayerful since these boys have been saved. They have seen the effects of Jesus in there lives. They will be writing here in our blog as soon as they can get some computer time saved up to go to Africa Point; if you recall, that is the Internet cafe where we met, when all this began. Praise the Lord! I thank Him for allowing me to see this, it is truly a gift to me from God. Remember to invite someone to church! You may never know how important that invitation might be.
I can't wait to get back to Africa to meet up with this group again and I would love to see all 40 youth together and get a picture of that! Wouldn't that be awesome?
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Golf Tournament Update
We thank Mike Howard and his committee for all their dedication and hard work. We are also grateful to our main sponsor; Toyota of Huntington Beach. The proceeds from this event will help to supply Juice Plus to children in Africa to supplement their nutrition.
As soon as we set the new date, we will let you know!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Our Grandchildren

Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Treasures in Jars of Clay
Therefore, since through God's mercy we have this ministry, we do not lose heart.
2 Rather, we have renounced secret and shameful ways; we do not use deception, nor do we distort the word of God. On the contrary, by setting forth the truth plainly we commend ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God. 3 And even if our gospel is veiled it is veiled to those who are perishing. 4 The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. 5 For we do not preach ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, and ourselves as your servants for Jesus' sake. 6 For God who said, "Let light shine out of darkness," made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.
7 But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. 8We are hard pressed on every side but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; 9 persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. 10 We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body. 11 For we who are alive are always being given over to death for Jesus' sake, so that his life may be revealed in our mortal body. 12 So then, death is at work in us, but life is at work in you.
13 It is written: "I believed; therefore I have spoken." With that same spirit of faith we also believe and therefore speak, 14 because we know that the one who raised the Lord Jesus from the dead will also raise us with Jesus and present us with you in his presence. 15 All this is for your benefit, so that the grace that is reaching more and more people may cause thanksgiving to overflow to the glory of God.
16 Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.
17 For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an external glory that far outweighs them all. 18 So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Happy Anniversary Honey!
Well, today is our 32nd wedding anniversary and we actually remembered it, praise the Lord! Now there are no roses being delivered to the door or any See's candy here, but we are just enjoying each other, even after all these years, now that is amazing! We are both blessed to have each other. Maybe we can have dinner out tonight, we can walk down to the village and have a rolex on the street. A rolex is a chapati (like a flour tortilla) cooked with an egg and has sliced tomatoes and cabbage and rolled and sometimes the outer wrapper is note paper. That is about the extent of fast food here, the local stuff isn't so great, unless we go to UCC a Danish Cafe run by the our ministry friends from Denmark. We rent a small apartment from them in their missionary compound, they have been great friends and good Spiritual support.
This trip has brought us both closer to the Lord and Him in our lives. We have searched scripture together working on many of the projects, events and circumstances here. We have prayed together asking God to give us an understanding of our "real mission" (like, why did you really send us here?) All of this will be revealed in God's time, I am sure.
We have been blessed in this time of our lives with things that are so different than when we started out together, getting the right jobs, the right house, the right clothes and taking care of the kids and all that "stuff". But once we were finished with most of that, we discovered we had more time for the Lord. Because when it is just you and the Lord, that is all you need!
We will be heading home in a few days, well at least to our daughter's and son-in-law's home (with our 5 grandchildren) in Montana, where they put us up (or is it; put up with us) while we are in the states. Pray for us as we enter into the culture shock of America after six months of being here in Uganda.
Happy Anniversary, Robyn. I love you!
Jim "too"
Monday, September 22, 2008
"Jesus, I Love You"
With our bible in hand, we began our walk to the hospital, knowing my purpose...asking Nicholas if not only did he know Jesus, but had he accepted Jesus as his savior. We were about half way to the hospital when Jim questioned me, "how do we know that Nicholas is not contagious? How is Tuberculosis transmitted? Do we need to take any precautions?" Questions I had asked myself before, but had ignored. We decided to return home and research Tuberculosis on the computer. Time was ticking away. We retrieved our answers and feeling confident that we were safe, started our mission once again.
We walked the long hall of the children's ward, passing many sick children. My heart focused on one little soul, Nicholas. We turned the corner to his room, there lay Nicholas, even thinner than I had remembered him the day before. He had anguish on his face. Gone today was the sweet, sweet, smile. I greeted him and took his hand. He focused his eyes on me and in a voice so faint, that I had to lean close to his mouth,he whispered, "I'm dying, I'm dying." I told Nicholas that our God made heaven and earth and God had placed him first on earth to experience all He had planned for him, but now God is calling him to his forever home, in heaven. I told him not to be afraid, that he would never be alone, that I would hold his hand here on earth, and Jesus will take his hand in Heaven. I recited Matthew 19:14.
Nicholas was fading, I prayed to Jesus, "please Lord let me intercede for this little boy, don't take him before I know he has accepted you. Please forgive me. Forgive me, Jesus. Have mercy dear Jesus. have mercy on us." I stood in the gap for Nicholas, the two of us holding hands, becoming one. Each of us doing our part, Nicholas giving all of his earthly strength to listen to my every word, me being his voice. I cried out a prayer of salvation to our Jesus. After finishing, I whispered to Nicholas, at that moment an incredible calm came over him, his body relaxed. Gone was the tenseness of the fragile, little body. Peace covered his face. Then with that same strength he used to listen to my every word, he pushed out these words, "Jesus, I love you." Those were the last earthly words that were spoken by Nicholas. Over the next hour,Nicholas slowly left this world, letting go of my hand,and taking the hand of Jesus. Nicholas entered heaven on September 20, 2008 at 5:40 pm. Glory be to God!
Friday, September 19, 2008
Proverbs 16:9
Sometimes we really just don't know what the Lord has planned for us. But we are His faithful servants as we, (well we would like to think patiently wait) but we are not always so patient, because we are just humans. We were sent half around the world to work in this ministry and it seems we have done so many other things besides what we thought we were called to do. I think this sounds familiar, In fact I know I have heard other missionaries say the same thing or very similar. I know most people say they receive far more than they ever gave. Things like insight, life lessons and love. We have seen some things that we had only seen in National Geographics prior to coming here.
Robyn and Sara went with Dr. Sam to the hospital the other night to see an 11 year boy dying of TB, they later returned with some ice cream just to see his large eyes light up, although they knew he would probably throw it up later. He asked Robyn for some "pocket money" and she obliged with 300 schillings. He gave her a big smile! The people here just have money drilled into them, even at this point of his short life, how sad is that. He is not going anywhere that he can spend it. How could a disease take over a young boy like this. I only saw the pictures, because I was unable to go, but when I say his big eyes light up, it is because his body is fading away and his eyes look very large with his hollow face and frail little body. Oh Jesus if Robyn and Sara just gave some comfort to this boy and his mother then we thank you! We take so much for granted at home, even the comfort of a hospital, I don't think I could ever explain enough how poor the condition of the hospital is.
We recently visited some IDP (Internally Displaced Persons) camps in northern Uganda in Pajule near Kitgum. Thousands of people in huts who have been displaced because of the LRA who took over their villages and wiped out a lot of their families. Some of these children were visibly sick. We found one little boy around ten years old with a half wrapped arm in a sling and as I looked closer I inquired about it. We were told he fell the past week and we asked to take a closer look and it was so crooked that I did not need an x-ray to see it had been broken. The mother said she could not afford to take him to the clinic. We took him on a 30 minute trip by car and to St Joseph's Hospital and they said they would take him and x-ray, repair the broken arm and for him to spend the night and also give him medicine for his ring worm on his head all for about 19,000 schillings, that is about $12.00 US dollars. Besides medical care we really noticed that they could use another church. We decided to have an impromptu prayer service on Saturday evening and we did a little preaching, we had Pastor JB (our escort who is originally from that area) with us and he helped with the interpreting because they speak Achole. We had about 26 kids accept Jesus that night. Praise the Lord! We found someone in the group who will work with them after we leave because there was no church to send them to for further nurturing, a real problem, you get them saved and you have nowhere to send them! There is a real need for us to help up there if God opens the door.
Me a preacher? I didn't think so, but the Lord has given me an opportunity to share the Word a few times and it has been a real blessing to me. When the Holy Spirit takes over and uses you to spread the Gospel then you know you have been blessed. When you can be a part of someone accepting Jesus as their savior it is truly amazing grace. I thank God for that experience!
We have truly met some interesting people here and have had a lot of wonderful experiences. We have had a few disappointments as well and we figure those were also meant to be. One may be very well why we were sent here. Possibly to discover some things that were not right with the lord, and He needed our help to disclose it. It is up to Him for what He does. Sometimes the Lord works in mysterious ways. We again need to be patient to find out what is next.
We are scheduled to come home at the end of this month for a four month break and wait for God to give us our next assignment. We will be home for the holidays and it will be exciting to see our five grandchildren and to see our newest grandson scheduled to arrive in January. We will also be attending the golf tournament on November 3rd in Southern California.
In our heart we can plan our course but the Lord determines our steps!
Friday, August 22, 2008
The Kids That Steal Your Heart
As I opened the envelope, I knew exactly what was inside it, notes from kids at Jireh, folded up, just the way they would be if they had handed me the note in person. I pulled them out one at a time, holding them in the palm of my hand. Each letter folded perfectly into a palm sized bundle that's easy to hold onto. They have a touch of Uganda on them, they even come complete with a little bit of red Ugandan dirt discoloring the edges of the bundles. Babra's letter was so thick it even required tape to hold it shut.
The kids at Jireh will steal your heart. You can't forget them, and they definitely will not forget you. I've gotten woken up at 5:30 in the morning with calls from a Ugandan cellphone. I have a guess who is on the other end--its teenagers at Jireh who've somehow convinced one of the visiting missionaries to spend a dollar on them and let them borrow their cellphone to call America.
As much as I don't generally appreciate calls that early in the morning, when you hear the delight in the voice of the kids to actually get to talk to you--even if only for a minute or two before their air-time expires--its priceless, and worth every ounce of lost sleep.
And then there's the letters. I just about always expect one from Babra--she took a liking to me from the moment I arrived at Jireh. At the going away party for our team, she was having her friends deliever me little folded notes--her way of offering a hand of friendship. And ever since, she really was my friend, with the closeness of a sister. You think you come to minister to them, but so many times she was ministering to me with a word that could have been straight from God or a shoulder to cry on.
"If only Uganda were a little closer..." I daydream, wishing I could just pop in on weekends to visit. Why does Uganda have to be so far away and so expensive to visit?
Even the ones that you wouldn't necessarily think would remember you, some of them will surprise you. This letter was from one of my S1 students last summer--I was in their classroom often, teaching bible lessons and helping them practice their English. There were a number of them, and I couldn't always keep all their names straight, but they always enjoyed stories about God's impact on my life and how funny and different America is from where they live.
The question isn't really "will I go back", the question is when... And unlike the last time, next time I will remember to bring a photo album to show them when they ask if I have any pictures of my family....
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Mark your calendar for November 3, 2008!!
Our first golf tournament is located in Orange County California, USA
Thank you to our sponsor Toyota of Huntington Beach
More to follow, we will keep you posted!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
I prayed like..."Lord!! donot bypass these children."
I was like let me go and say hello to them.I crossed the road and greeted them,we began talking,introduced each other and they told me they are here in Uganda as Missionaries to do God's Work by supporting the needy children in the Jireh Ministries and they have a School where these children study from,I was like this is great! You are blessed people because Children are gift from God and they deserve our love and care. As we shared I found out they were my neighbours and that was amazing,we exchanged our contacts and they directed me where they live,we really had a good time and i was blessed because they were so nice to me.
So they told me I can come and visit one day and may be also go and have a visit to the School and see the health conditions,talk to the children and staff about Health related issues and encourage the children not loose hope in life but to study hard and make sure they achieve their dreams.
I was like..! no problem!, I'm ready and willing to do that! so we kept on meeting each other,saying hi, and talking.
It was a Saturday when we went to the School and we left in the Afternoon like at 3:00 Pm, I took my Stethoscope,BP Machine in case i find any sick child .we took Motorcycles and we had a nice ride up to the Mountain,it was looking far because it was my to go there,we passed through lots of trees,steep hills and I was abit Scared but my cyclist was very careful and finally we reached up the hill.
I was amazed because the place had very good location with fresh are air to breathe,so as I breathed the fresh air I was praising the lord in my heart for the great work that was being done at the mountain. Me as i was coming I thought it was small place with few people there .But I was shocked to see a big place and with alot of activities occurring there.
We jumped off our motorcycles and we told them to come back and pick us later like at 5:30/ 6:00 Pm.
So I was left talking to Jim, And I was just amazed by the work he was doing on this mountain because at the back of my mind as I was coming I knew it was a small place with a few activities.
As we talked to the gate man,the Headmaster of the Primary School passed by and Jim requested him to join us during the tour around the school.
We began with the houses of the Staff,went around to their new bath rooms,their compound and toilet.
Next they told me we are going to visit around the families,so I thought it was really family which was related biologically but I was corrected later by the Headmaster when had visited some of the families when I kept on asking like.. "how did these biological families come to stay here and where are their other relatives?"
So as we entered the first family,I looked at the situation;how the young boys were having afew pop corns in their hands and that is what they were eating,I looked at their small room,where they were so many just packed in it,their double decker beds and sleeping with their small suit cases,their few clothes hanging in the roof,no adequate everything was just enough to make you feel pity for these young children.
I was just filled with sadness,I felt so weak and in my heart I was like...! what words can tell these children? I didn't even have the strength to tell them I'm at University,in a Medical School and Studying Medicine and Surgery,I was just filled with sorrow and sadness and I was like how will me introducing my self to them like this,help this needy child?
I remembered the Long way and struggle I have gone through ever since I began studying,I remembered my Lecturers,consultants,Professors in Medicine and other great people in other fields of Education and Life, how Scientists have gone with technology,how people on this earth are rich with Lots of wealth and my heart weakened the more and telling me to burst into tears,and I was like "God as you give blessings,as you visit and provide for your children,as distribute riches,as you visit Masaka, Please do not by pass these children. give them a double share and let you favour be upon them."
I just felt saying these words and presenting these children to the Lord will be the source of all the difference in their lives.
So we continued to tour around the other families and for sure these Children need our prayers,its really God that is protecting them from epidemics.because they are overcrowded in their rooms,they share basins and maybe other personal needs. The distance of the kitchen from the house,house from toilet,toilet from kitchen are not the right distances,its just God protecting them from epidemics.
Then as entered family by family I found some of the students were sick,One had serious abdominal pain due to some food she had eaten the previous night,the other one had Menstrual cramps, I took them to the School clinic,examined them and gave them drugs.
The Last one had an eye problem and was just lying helpless in the room,she couldn't open her eyes,she was just scratching them,and tears just falling,she was almost becoming blind,but we managed to take her to Masaka Regional Referral hospital the following week where she was Diagnosed to be having a lession on her cornea and was admitted for one night and she is now well. We thank the Lord for healing her
The visit was generally a blessing to my heart and I came back amazed about how the Lord has been able to sustain those children and I'm willing and ready to give myself off to do God's work and especially to save the lives of these young children and to bring a smile on their face.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
We know that we have had a lot of visitors to the Children's Center this year already, maybe since April about 150 missionaries. You see first hand the needs of all the children. And maybe you get attached to one child and want to help, but decide to wait until we have the photos up on our site.
We have to photo all the children and document the profiles etc. This is all done by our volunteers and most of it was done by one person, Janet Ohlig, our Child Sponsorship Coordinator. She had a few volunteers in February of 2007 and she had a few more volunteers this month helping her. Praise the Lord for all you volunteers to help us in all these areas!! But this all takes time and man power. This is why we get excited when people come forward to volunteer with us either back home or here in Uganda at the "project." We need volunteers in all areas. If your gift is in administration and you want to help, then we probably have a place for you. It is a great way to spend some time in another country and work in a ministry using the gifts God gave you. This is important to note; although you may want to help the children, it does not mean you need to work directly with them. We have people work in all areas because each of is unique and has something to offer. We have volunteer applications on our web site.
So if you know you want to sponsor a child and have a name or picture of him or her, then send it to us. You can start now, we just need to know which one or two or more that he / she is and you will be helping all of the children immediately.
Each time one child is sponsored it helps all of the children! We take care of all the children, by feeding and educating them along with housing, etc. We are able to do this with the combined funds of all the sponsored children, because if one is not sponsored we cannot just ignore them and wait to feed them when they finally get sponsored. The Lord Will Provide for us to take care of all the children He sends us. Often times the way the Lord Provides, is through people.
Start today by sending your check or go to our web site and click on the donations button and go to the button that says "$28.00 per month reoccurring donation" This will bring you to our Pay Pal site where you can enter all your billing information. In this area you will write in the notes /memo section the name of your child and description you have. They will eventually have an ID number assigned to them. This way you are helping NOW! You can do the same thing with your check, and you may pay monthly, quarterly or annually. You may also use the automatic bill payment with your bank and you won't have to think about remembering to send it each month. The bank system works well and we do not incur any service charges like Pay Pal.
You see, $28.00 in America, is not much these days, but here it is big! It all adds up and goes very far and makes a huge impact on the lives of these children and to the teachers and staff that we pay from these funds. This is less than a dollar a day, which everyone uses the cost of a cup of coffee at the premium gourmet coffee house for a few dollars a cup. We just need to compare it to the corner convienience store.
So you want to sponsor a child? We are ready! Are you?
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
H2O8 UPDATE 7/31/08
Monday, July 21, 2008
My answer is seeing and working with all the missionaries that come to help. It is amazing seeing the Lord's work in action. He works through so many people in so many different ways. Each has their own special gift to give. And some don't even know what their gift is until it is unveiled. Each person leaves their mark, in people, in the children, in each other, in a building that they may have constructed or repaired. There are so many things a person can do.
We all were recently encouraged to see Melissa here from the BWO team. She was here in a wheel chair, with team members making accommodations for her to make it a little easier to get around. The rough terrain up here is not ADA compliant. The construction team came up with a way for her to use the toilet. Now the toilets here can make the strongest person gasp, but that was not a challenge for Melissa. She had children around her all the time, praying with them and showing them her bible and one day just showing the kids her little toes. Melissa is just so real and just loves life. She brought joy to everyone. And then you see her under the water tower with a pick helping to dig, she fit in there better than anyone else. What an inspiration to the children. What an inspiration to me!
In April we had about ten teens with their leaders here from Franklin Christian Academy from Tennessee who built six bathing areas. What a spiritually grounded group. They found time to build with bricks and mortar and then play with the kids. It is so great to see this young energetic enthusiasm for the Lord. They were up for all the challenges that came. They were here to serve and that's what they did. The leadership was superb!
In June, we had about 60 with Believers World Outreach, headquartered in Oklahoma, but from all over the USA. They came with a Medical Team, Evangelism Team, a Construction Team and a Children's Center Team. Wow! Amazing seeing a large group, so organized and Spiritually grounded! They practiced leadership faithfully and obediently. The things you throw at these teams are just no big deal for them. Because they all had Jesus in their heart. Challenges were welcome, hard work was expected by them, and they didn't know how to complain about anything. You need some holes dug and you hear "OK, where and how many do you need"! You need the medical team to see a whole bunch of kids in one day, "OK bring them on!" You need a team to pray or teach the kids and they are there. Even one day the Children's Center Team joined the Construction Team to help them get through their list. They left us with one more bonus... Lauren Chavez is staying on until August to help us with our Child Sponsorship Program. Praise the Lord, God bless Lauren, what a way to spend your summer break from the University!
Later in June the Texas team of about 12 came. Now they specialize in VBS and what a job they do! I loved seeing how they work with the kids teaching them praise and worship songs. Not just songs but pantomime sign language songs. The kids knew them all in no time and they really loved it. This group was with these kids all the time especially in the evening they would spend time with a different family every night doing worship and praise. They were staying on the mountain without any of the hotel amenities. In the day time they were helping in the classrooms. This group was so Spiritually grounded and they knew their purpose here. What did they leave behind? Well, besides all the great songs and love , they left us with Sara Perchan to be a teacher here for one year to teach a primary class. What a blessing she is, she gave up a home and a life in the USA to come here where there is no electricity, barely running water and definitely no hot water, and no salary, to work with kids! Raise your hand if you have Jesus in your heart!
Presently we have two groups from Livingstone of Holland here working at both Children's Centers in Kissagazi and Kyabazala working on construction projects. They are constructing dining buildings and classrooms. We are going to be blessed by a second set of teams in a few weeks.
We are looking forward to hosting a team from Israel in August. This will be their first visit to Jireh Ministries. We are looking forward to adding another nation and Mission Partner to our roster.
You may have noticed one common thread to a successful mission team. It is so important for a team to be Spiritually Grounded! Because one of my favorite things about "my favorite things" is, being with them at their evening worship time. This is where you hear how God has worked in peoples hearts and real stories that are making permanent changes in peoples lives!
God bless the missionaries! We thank all of the team members for a job well done.
Jim Fruehan
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Praise the Lord, we have $5250.00 toward the project. The amount collected so far is from the World Water Day event in Billings Montana for $1250.00 and one private donation for $4000.00 This is a great start, we are half way to the preliminary estimate. We are still waiting on the hydrologist to make his visit to the mountain and identify the drill location. He will also supply us with the true estimate for this project. Clean healthy water here in Uganda is a real blessing. Can you imagine if you could not drink the tap water in your home. I know that I preferred the taste of bottled water, but if I did drink out of the tap it would not bring parasites and make me sick. You know, the water is actually brown when it comes out of the tap. It is so easy to live in our own little world and not realize how other people may live. I thank God that He sent us here to help and He continues to work through people to make these things happen. Thank you for your support!
We continue to believe that The Lord Will Provide.
If you wish to contribute to this project, please write H208 in the memo on your check or in the “notes” on PayPal through our web site
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
More on The Story of Joseph and Moses
So where do I begin or continue this story?
These guys wanted to meet with me so I managed my way over to there village and tracked them down. Moses tells me that after Sunday service which is a Catholic Mass at his boarding school, that him and a few other boys got permission and coordinated a "Born Again Service" for all the "Born Again Kids." I was surprised that they were able to do this and that they took the initiative to make it happen. He said they have a group of about twelve kids that attend. Furthermore, they tell me of their vision for the future. They said that besides themselves they have one other friend and that they are going to do evangelism and bring Jesus to other kids and that they plan on going door to door and they proceed to tell me that they plan on getting about three hundred kids saved. Moses tells me that he has a burning desire to do this. Now I know what he is talking about. I know what the burning desire is to serve the Lord, I just can't believe what I am hearing. They said the only thing they really needed was about three bibles. As we spoke, these "new born-again Christians" are quoting bible verses and telling me how their life has changed and how they want that for other youth everywhere. I am just getting overwhelmed at this point and think how inspiring these boys are to me. And then they tell me that I am inspiring to them. The Lord works in mysterious ways for sure. So we had some extra donated bibles that we were saving for the right time, and we were honored to help equip these young disciples to go out and preach. To see this much enthusiasm from two young boys is just amazing. They have so much joy and passion for the Lord, I just didn't want to leave their company. I told them they were an answer to my prayers because I have been wanting to see local people become missionaries in their own country. This is important here because there is a lot of missionaries in this country coming from far away. I wanted the people here to see that they too can be a missionary. The Lord works through all of us if we let Him. The boys and I were thinking back on this story and they agreed, that us meeting as we did at the Internet store was truly God. They said they don't even know why they were there that day, because they were not using the Internet, they were just hanging out, (waiting to be saved).
As you may recall; All I did was invite them to church!
Please remember to pray for them.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
BWO Team at Jireh Next Week
Next week this team will be in Masaka. As in Jinja, the team will be split up into ministry groups with different focus, many of them will be spending their time at Jireh Children's Centre doing a vacation bible school program for the kids. Having spent time at the children's center last summer, I know how much the kids at Jireh love having visitors, and spend a lot of time practicing songs and dances in order to put on a small talent show to welcome their international visitors.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008
The good news is we already have $1250.00 allocated to this project from The World Water Day event that was held in Billings, MT on March 30! So we just need $7250.00 more.
Please pray for our water project. A Clean supply of water means life. The water that is currently available needs to be boiled before use. With this many children, we know that some water might get slipped by, because of thirsty children that just don’t understand.
Actually the well will eliminate a few problems; the current government water supply is not dependable, it is often shut off without notice and at times the pressure is very low, and we will save on the cost of usage as well.
This water project is spearheaded by the Lord; He just keeps showing us that this is in His plans. I kept having a feeling about a water project but it seemed that logically it would be in another year or so. But when the Lord says that it is time; then I surrender. He brought the World Water Day project to us, followed by several people that are interested in helping, which includes other ministries, strangers and friends.
As I am here in Uganda for the next four months, it is an opportune time to supervise this project. I ordered the preliminary report from the drilling company. This drilling company has come highly recommended by some ministry partners that have used them.
If you wish to contribute to this project, please write H208 in the memo on your check or in the “notes” on PayPal through our web site
But most important, Please pray for this project!
The problem they face right now is chiggers, or jiggers, there are a few spellings of this little bug. There are two types that you may find if you do a web search, the North American variety referred to as a harvest chigger found probably close to your area and the African variety. The African variety seems a bit more aggressive and become more of a problem because of the African environment for example, sanitation, antibiotics to guard against infection, dirt floors in class rooms, no shoes etc. With a dirt floor in a sheltered area these tiny insects thrive as they are waiting for a new host. These itch and can be very painful and it can become difficult to walk or to concentrate on their studies. As with any infection that is not treated, it can lead to the loss of limbs or even death.
After some research and consulting with the staff here we have come to the following recommendations. Concrete the floors in the classrooms, and meet with the families with instructions to help care for the children, and to remove chiggers from their toes, feet, and legs and to treat the wounds, which in some cases it may be just supplying rubbing alcohol.
The chiggers do not survive on concrete floors, so concrete is the number one item on the list. If they are out in the open in the dirt, they will not survive because of the heat. So fumigation doesn’t seem to be needed. If we were to supply shoes it would be very expensive for 370 children and since this is not a boarding facility we would not have any control over the care and security for their safe keeping.
Presently there is one large building with dirt floors and one outside structure used as a classroom with just poles with a branch and palm leaves top so it obviously has a dirt floor as well. I believe it would be possible to build a concrete slab for the outside building and later erect a building on top of the foundation like we do in America. It is a common practice here to construct a building first and then pour a concrete floor when they can afford it because floors are somewhat of a luxury item. The philosophy is to first build a shelter from the rain and sun and then the floor, backwards to us but forward to them. When resources are limited you adjust to the situation.
There are a few things that need improvement at this facility, like the outhouses. When I went to use it, I turned around and said to myself that I will just go find a tree, and then I realized that for them that was not supposed to be an option, especially if you had to spend more time in there like squatting over the hole etc. So I went back in side, as they say in Africa, for a short call. It was a realization of the situation of everyday life here especially in remote areas. Some outhouses when constructed and maintained properly can be a quite a bit more pleasant. I only saw one outhouse with three spots for 370 children and staff. In comparison we have five or six outhouse buildings at Jireh Children’s Center in Masaka with less than 300 children and adults. These can be built with a properly dug hole with ventilation, and in some areas they can be pumped when they reach the capacity limit. Some of this makes a difference of the geographic location because of the water table level, swamp areas, etc. In some areas they need to be built upstairs on a concrete foundation and platform.
I am not sure what funding anyone is able to raise, but the preliminary estimate for the chigger problem would be around $2000.00 USD. When we receive earmarked funds we make sure the funds go as far as possible and to the particular project it is intended for. Any funding that you are able to send should be marked in the memo section Children’s Center Kyabazala if there is money available after the initial problem is resolved the balance will still go to other improvements at that facility. When we receive general donations, we work on priorities, but as you may have noticed on our web site, we support a big ministry, with over six hundred children and 56 village churches. There are always a lot of needs, but slowly as each heart is touched to a particular cause things happen. Praise the Lord!
Just for general information:
Presently the teacher’s and staff monthly salaries for both of the Jireh Children’s facilities are funded through donations to the foundation. The buildings have been constructed by various international mission groups as they have time and money. So at any one time you will find buildings in different stages of construction. In some pictures you may have noticed a building that has a roof and plastered walls and looks complete, and another that does not have doors or windows yet and is of bare bricks with no plaster. And of course we have the buildings at both facilities that do not have concrete floors yet, the chigger problem at Masaka hasn’t reached the levels of Kyabazala yet, so that is why we are emphasizing that particular facility first and refer to it as urgent. We also have some older buildings that need maintaining. We hope to have a more comprehensive list available on our web site later this year; this is one reason why our mission trip here is for five months this year. I can already see that after we complete the water project H208 for Jireh Children’s Center in Masaka, that we will start H209 for Jireh Children’s Center Kyabazala.
Yes the list is big, but so is our God, Amen!
Child kidnap on the rise
By Christopher kiwawulo
Saturday Vision Newspaper, Masaka, Uganda (May 3, 2008)
THE boy's father, Pele Ondoga, was in a nearby church when his wife phoned to say his son had gone missing. "The news hit me hard. I could not believe it," says Ondoga, an evangelist at Lembanyoma Full Gospel Church.
He had heard about children being kidnapped for sacrifice but it had never occurred to him that his son, who had been circumcised, could fall victim. Those who bring children to witchdoctors do not take circumcised boys, he had been told.
After a frantic door-to-door search in the crowded neighbourhood, Ondoga rushed to the Police to report the disappearance. On Sunday, he was informed that his son's body had been found.
"I, immediately, went to Jinja Road Police Station. The body had been taken to the mortuary but the sandals I found at the Police station were his," he recalls.
The man is inconsolable. "I loved my boy so much", he mutters, his face resting on his palm. "He was jolly and friendly. He was not only my child but also my friend."
The motive of the kidnappers is still not known but Ondoga, a pastor who converted from Islam, believes his son was a victim of child sacrifice.
Hassan's kidnap is not an isolated case. The Police are investigating several child disappearances that have taken place in and around Kampala in recent months.
Last week, seven-year-old Salim Abdu, a primary one pupil at Old Kampala Primary School, went missing. He was not at school when the house help, Abel Bwambale, went to pick him at mid-day. The Police are still looking for him.
Another lady, Alice Businge lost her baby a week ago to an unknown visitor who convinced the house maid that he was Businge's brother.
The Police are also still searching for three-year old Imran Lubega who went missing in Gazaland Plaza, a Kampala shopping mall, on Monday.
And in February, nine-year-old Jimmy Turyagyenda survived being sold at sh3m to a witchdoctor by his father. Entebbe Police saved the boy after a tip off and arrested the father, who had lied to the boy's mother that he was sending him for studies.
According to the 2007 crime report released recently by the Inspector General of General of Police, a total of 54 children were kidnapped, stolen or went missing last year.
Of those, seven were rescued and three were confirmed killed. The whereabouts of 40 others are still unknown.
Although the figures went down compared to 2006, Police sources say they have seen a recent increase in the number of children reported missing.
A Police source told Saturday Vision that currently, about 10 cases of disappearances are reported to different Police stations in Kampala weekly. "The majority of children have not been recovered," the source said.
While some children might have run away from home, the Police suspect that others, especially the very young ones, are being used for sacrifice by witchdoctors who promise their clients wealth in return.
"We are now working with the traditional healers through their chairperson to stamp out this practice," says Edward Ochom, Kampala Extra Region Police commander.
Others, according to Ochom, might be victims of child trafficking to other countries. "Child trafficking is a complicated issue because there is sometimes consent between the minor and the trafficker. The latter lures the victim with promises of high pay but ends up exploiting him or her."
In a bid to curb the vice, the Police are carrying out sensitisation programmes on radio stations and in schools for both parents and children. "The issue of child safety is the responsibility of every Ugandan", says Ochom. "If you see a child of a tender age moving alone, you should be concerned and ask the child where he or she is going."
Ochom advises that parents should alert their children to be suspicious of strangers, and avoid sending them to shops at night. "Parents should know the playmates of their children and their homes and they should have meals with their children every evening so that they can easily detect when a child is missing."
Parents are also advised to drop and pick their children from school or take turn with other trusted parents or caretakers.
Until concrete action is taken to arrest this new wave of child abductions, it remains a major cause of anxiety to the public.
You can also read the article online at:
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Jen Halmaghi
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
The Story of Joseph and Moses
While I was waiting on my third trip to Kampala to the internet store which is a days journey there and back and this is after five visits to the local store in Masaka town with about ten or twelve hours of fiddling with settings etc; I went to a local internet store called Afrika Point in the neighboring village that we could walk to from where we are staying. Now I need to emphasize that even when you go to an internet store it can be difficult because of electricity going off, extremely slow downloading of messages and of things just being dropped and you have to start all over again signing on etc. For example, you may be in the internet store for six hours to get four hours of airtime. It can be exhausting to say the least. Now some of you reading this, that have been here in Uganda, may say that it just wasn’t this bad for you, but remember I have been under spiritual attack because he thinks he found my soft spot. He looks for your most vulnerable spot, on some people it can be the food, living conditions, health, or even motion sickness from the crazy roads, but for me, I have an international ministry to run, so it is the internet. Other than that we have been very happy, healthy, and comfortable.
While checking my email at Afrika Point on Thursday, I met Joseph and Moses. I was looking for the computer speakers to listen to a voice mail from our American phone number, and these young boys were there to help me out. They live nearby and were just hanging out because they are friends with the people at this Christian internet store. We visited for a while and I told them about our ministry. Moses told me that he would like to donate some clothing to Jireh Children’s Center. I was quite surprised to hear this because we are constantly confronted with people in need and sometimes people just assume we are rich munzungoos and just outright ask us for money. He told me he had both his parents and had everything he needed and would ask some of his friends to donate some clothing too. I asked him if he went to church and I understood him to say that he belonged to a local church that I was familiar with. I invited both of the boys to come to The Mountain of the Lord Church on Sunday because it would be nice to have them, and there would be great worship music for them to enjoy. These boys said they would come and bring the clothing as well. I am guessing these boys are about 14 and 16 years old and they have very pleasant personalities and I thought how wonderful these young Christians are with such a giving heart.
On Sunday morning as Robyn and I walked down the steps to the front of the church we were pleasantly surprised as we were greeted by Joseph and Moses with a bag of clothes in their hand. I invited them inside and sat with them and it looked like they were enjoying the worship music as I had expected. When visitors were asked if they would like to come and introduce themselves, Joseph and Moses went up front and I followed them for support. Moses tells of his invitation to attend church and tells the congregation that I had invited them and they couldn’t disobey me and that it was his first time in a church. Yes, the feeling was quite overwhelming for me as I witnessed this; I simply had just invited them to our church. We went back to our seats and continued to enjoy the service. After the pastor completed his sermon on obedience he asked if anyone wanted to accept Jesus today and to come up front if you were ready. You guessed it, Joseph and Moses motioned to each other and I looked at them and they nodded that they were going up to accept our Lord. As I followed them up I couldn’t believe what was happening. As I hugged them and placed my hands on their shoulders I was overcome by the Holy Spirit, it was so awesome that I just can’t explain it, I am so happy we had the pastors to pray over these boys because I was tearfully speechless to not only witness this but to realize how God was working through me.
After we returned to our seats I opened my bible to Matthew 25:31-46 “The Sheep and the Goats” and showed the boys that they have already done as the Lord has instructed us to do… vs. 36 “I needed clothes and you clothed me.”
The internet seemed so important for me to do my job in this ministry. It was the internet problems that brought me to meet these two boys that God had placed there just waiting for me to arrive that day. How easy it would have been to ignore them and not bother to invite them to church on Sunday. Sometimes the Lord has other plans for us and it is for us to act on them. If the Angels are keeping score, I think it is; “One frustrated Director equals two saved souls”!
Believing He will Provide,
Jim Fruehan
Monday, April 21, 2008
Email fraud alert from Jireh Ministries Foundation
This email is being sent to you by Robyn Fruehan and Janet Ohlig on behalf of Jim Fruehan.
Please be advised that we have identified some fraudulent behavior through email.
Someone has posed as Pastor Benjamin Kintu, requesting money because of an illness of his wife.
I can assure and guarantee you that his wife, Jacqueline, is doing very well even though she is in her
ninth month of pregnancy. I am staying with the Kintu family in Uganda.
The deception is very clever as is Satan.
All donations for this ministry should be sent directly to Jireh Ministries Foundation, Inc.
Pastor Benjamin Kintu will not be asking for any funds directly from our supporters.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate in contacting us.
Believing HeWillProvide,
Jim Fruehan
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Thursday, April 3, 2008
God's Beautiful Creations
We will be here through Friday when we head down to Masaka. We will be greeting our newest missionary team, Franklin Academy from Tennessee with senior high students. I will be meeting with a ministry friend, Terry, who will be drilling for a water well in a neighboring city and village, for his organization. I plan on being there to witness the drill and installation of a well. We believe we will be using the same well company to construct our well. It is really great how we are lead to the right connections when you work for the Lord.
I will fill you in on a little God story. I met Terry the other day at World Water Day in Billings, he works with sand filters for making clean drinking water as well as help with water wells. He travels around the world working with people who need water. I failed to get his phone number for our final connection in Africa so I would know where to meet him, because I knew he was not working in the same city as us. Well today we bump into him on the street in Jinja, both of us away from our respective missions. Actually we are about five hours away from our meeting point. So we were able to make contact for next week to coordinate our meeting. The Lord will take care of the details, like hooking you up in a foreign land half way around the world with people you need to meet. Uganda is not the largest country in world but we are talking some pretty remote areas with a large population. We have an amazing God!
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
We are in Journey!
We will see Jenny and the kids sometime on Wednesday.
Robyn and I are past the half way point of this long awaited journey to the Jireh Children's Center.
We believe we have received confirmation from God for a water project while we are on this mission trip.
We will be officially kicking off H2O8 with a special fund raiser to get people involved and to take ownership of this water project. More to come.
The next update won't be any sooner than our next internet opportunity.
Believing HeWillprovide,
Jim & Robyn
Saturday, March 29, 2008

World Water Walk Day marked in Billings
The United Nations estimates that nearly 49,000 children die everyday from illnesses caused by contaminated water,
Copyright 2008
And They're Off...
As you have probably already heard, if you've been following the blog, Jim & Robyn, the founders of Jireh Ministries Foundation, are leaving Monday for a five month trip to Uganda. Please keep their safe travels in your prayers as they depart!
They will be updating the blog regularly throughout their journey, so stay tuned, and don't forget to write to them or comment on the blog from time to time with your encouragement! Sometimes even two line email that you are in someone's prayers is all it takes to lift your spirits and bring comfort on a rough day in the mission field!
Monday, March 17, 2008
Greetings Fellow Bretheren!
but sometimes it feels like there's so much more that needs to be much more that could be done. As I try to fall asleep smiling five year olds who need a bath and who are going to bed hungry drift in and out of my mind. I know the foundation, through the sponsorship program, fledgling and new though it may be, has done so much, because when I first met Pastor the children were being fed every other day. Yes, that's right, every other day. Can you imagine if you were only fed every other day? Maybe not. And the teachers weren't getting paid their salaries at all. They were having a hard time retaining staff without money to pay the staff.
But when I went there last summer, I saw teachers getting paid--not their meager salary in full, but a good downpayment on their salary. I saw the children living at the childrens center were getting fed two to three meals a day. Not glamorous meals. Its mostly things like millet or rice porridge, beans, and Posho (a bland rice-like mixture made out of maize flour) as the bulk of their diet. Kids were occasionally having stomach problems because of the repetition without variation in their diets, and perhaps the lackings of nutrients from vegetables (though they do have Juice Plus vegetable-vitamins that the foundation has been coordinating sending over to help with this!).
But I still saw day scholars going hungry, starving little hands reaching out to me, begging for another bite of my lunch that I hadn't the stomach to eat myself. "We just don't have the money to feed them too"--it breaks your heart to hear and see...but at the same time, it gives me so much hope that I have the personal opportunity to love sacrificially to help change that...even I'm alone in the battle.
But I know I'm not. Every one more sponsor means kids being fed better, means a teacher has enough income to buy her young child juice when its sick rather than just drinking boiled swamp water. $28 goes a lot farther in Uganda than it does here, it buys a lot of food. Thank you to everyone who is already sponsoring children or making contributions through the foundation, may you remember what a difference you're making!
Sunday, March 16, 2008
This time last year....
I'm here in my study saying, I could do more. I could do better. I wake up thinking of the children. I go to bed thinking of the children and work my day job thinking of the children.
Their needs consume my thoughts. I believe if I had more time I could be a stronger voice for those "voiceless" children.
Have you ever had so many things in a room that you had to sort, toss, organize, etc. that you just didn't know where to begin? Long ago someone told me those situations are like eating an can't eat it all at once but you can if you take one bite at a time. Well I love elephants (Enjovu in Luganda) but the concept is there and that is what needs to be done at Jireh. One step at a time. One need met at a time. One child at a time.
Pastor Grace (Benjamin Kintu) will be arriving to our home this Thursday. We will celebrate a traditional Seder Meal (passover meal) at our church at Trinity Presbyterian in The Colony. We are so excited to have him back in our home again. The last time he was here was prior to the "birth" of the Jireh Ministries Foundation founded by Jim and Robyn Fruehan.
He is scheduled to have lunch with our pastor James Kim and a few others on Good Friday. Saturday we will have an open house reception from 1-4pm and then begin preparing for a wonderful Easter Celebration with Pastor Grace. Dinner in the afternoon and we send him back to Tulsa to be with Tim Way and his family. To have Pastor Grace with us has been and will be a blessing.
I pray for more people to hear our voices for all those at Jireh, to be moved by the Holy Spirit to give of their time, talent and treasures for Jireh and to do all this to Glorify our God, our Creator, Our Jehovah Jireh.
A generous man will himself be blessed, for he shares his food with the poor.
Proverbs 22:9
-Janet Ohlig
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Jesus Feeds The Five Thousand
In John 6:5 When Jesus looked up and saw a great crowd coming towards Him, he said to Phillip, "Where shall we buy bread for these people to eat?" He asked this only to test him, for He already had in mind what He was going to do.
Phillip answered him, "Eight month's of wages would not buy enough bread for each one to have a bite!"
Another of his disciples, Andrew, Simon Peter's brother, spoke up, "Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?"
Jesus said "Have the people sit down." There was plenty of grass in that place, and the men sat down, about five thousand of them. Jesus then took the loaves, gave thanks and distributed to those that were seated as much as they wanted. He did the same with the fish.
When they had all had enough to eat, he said to his disciples, "Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted." So they gathered them and filled twelve baskets with the pieces of the five barley loaves left over by those that had eaten.
Since the beginning of this ministry, less than two years, I have always had this story on my mind. It seems that we were taking on a huge task and we knew it was only going to come from God. If we just do the math, and multiply how many sponsors we have (57) at $28.00 per month it equals $1596.00. per month. We do not have enough pledged or regular income to send as much money as we do each month to feed and educate these children. But we send an average of about $3000.00 per month. Plus we are saving for a water project, so we can build a water well and a tower this year! Yes this must be the year of water, we need an ample supply of fresh clean water to adequately take care of the growing number of children on the mountain.
By the grace of God He Provides. Jehovah Jireh, "The Lord Will Provide" Gen 22:14 The premise we are founded on. He works through people's hearts, and they carry out the work of the Lord.
In Matt. 40:25 "The King will reply, "I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you do for me."
Oh yes, this keeps me awake at night, I am amazed by His grace and give Him the honor and glory for what he is doing in this ministry, and allowing me to be part of it.
Believing He Will Provide,
Jim Fruehan
Monday, March 10, 2008
You Want Me To Do What?
Here's how it all began: In 2005, after reading Rick Warren's Purpose Driven Life, Robyn, my wife (of 31 years) decided that she really wanted to go on a mission trip to Africa. She went with Believers World Outreach for about two weeks. She visited the Amani Baby Cottage in Jinja and Jireh Childrens Center in Masaka, Uganda. While at the Children's Center, she met with Pastor Kintu Grace Benjamin , and told him that she would get him to America. She was not sure why she even told him that. The Lord had a plan. Being a woman of commitment, she raised funds to bring Pastor Grace to our home in San Diego, California. This was not an easy task, he was denied a Visa two times and it looked hopeless. But we had a lot of people praying and calling the embassy and praying some more, and children at the center were praying and fasting! These kids that are so hungry most of the time, are fasting! That is a statement of faith!! Well, once the Lord introduced me with Pastor Grace, it all began. I first thought I would help him with some business cards, and then I thought, you need a newsletter, we can do that. Soon it was; "We need to start a non-profit foundation for Jireh Ministries in Uganda." So we did. I told the Lord; "If you want me to do this I will need a lot of help". So He sent a lot of help, when He decided that I really needed it. I thought this was a part time job that I could do while I was running our family construction business that we had since 1999. He decided that we are supposed to work the Ministry full time, we sold our house and got rid of a lot of "stuff". We stopped the business and basically I hung up the tool belt to carry the cross. We are broke by earthly standards but rich in the Lord. We truly live by what Pastor Grace told me was the premise his Ministry was founded on. Genesis 22:14 "The Lord Will Provide". We have moved to Billings Montana where my daughter and her husband and three children live. Soon to be five children see Do you remember I told you that my wife visited the Amani Baby Cottage?... Well, my daughter is adopting two babies, a boy and girl, (Christopher & Katie) they are lovingly referred by the orphanage and us as the Jesus babies (that happens to be another testimony in itself). We believe a major part of our ministry is sharing our personal testimony. Let us know if you would like us to visit your church.
On March 31st, Robyn & I will be departing for Uganda for a five month journey. This will be my first time visiting the Children's Center. Once there I am sure we will receive our next instructions. We will need a lot of prayer! We have a lot of work to do.
Thank you for allowing me to share my story.
Believing He Will Provide, Jim Fruehan