Friday, April 16, 2010

Rejoice In Our Suffering

I prayed; "Please God Heal Me" as I was heaving my way through the night, I knew I had become really ill.  My head had been aching non stop for hours like it was going to explode.  My eyeballs felt so much pressure like they were going to pop out.  I could barely crawl back to bed and wondered how soon I would have to get back up for more, because I couldn't move fast if I needed to get out of bed in a hurry.  Everything hurt!  I was just waiting to the point when I could at least drink some water and keep it down.

It seems I have malaria, and as I started taking the course of medications, my body was rejecting anything I was taking by mouth, and that meant no headache medication either. It seems I am now on the road to recovery, not 100% yet, but getting there, it will take a couple more days.

So what is so joyful about this?  As I am alone here with my kids, I realized they are supposed to depend on me but I have nothing left to give.  But when called to action they stepped up to the plate and kept checking to make sure I was still alive.  Yea, I mean that literally, malaria is the number one cause of death in Uganda as well as in several other African countries.  They have seen death occur far to often, so they know the possible consequences of an illness.  Most everyone here has had malaria or have seen it, so they know all too well the effect it has on your body.  So they made dinner and followed the schedule for the cleanup and chores.  The evening prayers and worship were conducted as we have scheduled.  They prepared the morning breakfast and locked the main house so they would be able to come in and get their morning breakfast without disturbing me.

All of this is something to rejoice to the Lord about.  My little children, made up mostly of orphans and street kids, have learned what "Love thy neighbor as thyself is all about". I think they also know what having a family is truly about too!  Praise God!


Meghan said...

Thanks for participating in the Monday Madness blog hop! We hope your Monday isn't too "Madness-y"

On a different sister and brother in law and their family just moved back to the states from living in Uganda and working with orphans for 6 years...What is your name?


Micael said...

Thank you for participating in our Monday Madness blog hop! Have a great week!


Cassie said...

I made it easier to find and I'm now following you!! Praise the Lord, He will always provide!

livinginbetween said...

What a beautiful, messy story. Thank you for sharing it.

LisaLisa said...

There is know greater love then the love of our father. I'm glad to hear that he is healing you and know matter what storms we may go threw he is always there.

Blessisngs to you my dear!