Tonight's Bible study was on Romans 13:1-7 "Submission to the Authorities." It is really good reading and it puts things into perspective for all of us.
The Door of Hope is getting ready for prefect nominations and appointments. We passed out the applications for everyone to fill out whether they were interested in the top positions or another job. We will have a boy and a girl Prefect as the leaders and our plan is to have the entire compound covered by everyone of our children by breaking it into manageable sections of responsibilities. So everyone will have a position. (I have had this on my mind for a long time, in fact it goes way back to when I was just a kid when I watched one of my favorite old movies, "Boys Town," when they elected a mayor. I was actually inspired by that movie in more ways than that, but I will save that for future stories).
This program will give the children responsibilities and a chance to take care of something and taking ownership. The children seemed very excited about the program and a few do have their favorite interests that they may be able to use in a fruitful manner. We all know it is a lot easier for someone to do a job if they are doing something they enjoy. Our family is no different than anywhere else, you always have some obvious natural leaders and some followers, people with a variety of backgrounds and initiatives. This is one more area where we can teach responsibilities with action and to respect authority. We know a lot of these children only had the clothes on their back when they came and now they will have more to care for than just themselves .
Stay tuned to see the results for the new positions!